Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Listen World

To the Christian World:
The chosen people have contributed a valuable gift to you-the chosen of the chosen who sacrificed his Life for you! Your religion is based on Love and Tolerance eg. his sermon on the Mount and Fish and Loathes episode. The Shanhedrin gave Him three years to get out of Israel. He did not do this because He did not want to be forgotten. He was abandoned by every one. He said "love your enemy." Is anti-semitism love? Stop desecrating your religion and your Savior. Stop hating. Pontius Pilate created the Jewish scape goat. Cherish the Jewish people for the great gift that they have given to you so that the sacrifice of Jesus shall not be in vain. See my book "The Shattered Mirror."

Email response elicited from publishers and/or agents.

To the Jewish World:
Do not undervalue the great contribution you have given to the Christian world who was dominated by idolatry. Jesus gave to the Christians a much milder form of Torah without its prohibitions. Respect yourselves. Follow the Torah and eventually, with Ha Shem's help we shall be protected and valued.

Email response is encouraged particularly from publishers and/or agents.

To the Muslim World:
You have been given an amazing religion written by the greatest Iman of them all. Ali Ibn Mohammed whose Koran was whispered into his ear by the angel Gabriel "do not kill by fire... do not cut off the hand extended to you in friendship...dig into the ground and you will find Allah's blessing for Islams "oil, diamonds, gold, precious gems" all this from Esau. Stop the terror and Ala's response of Csusamis (which is his wrath against the desecration of Islam and against his world, which can only result in cancer and other deadly diseases). Go to Mecca. Keep the Ramadan. Kneel before Ala in your mosque's and make peace. Look to your own wonderful soil which is rich with gifts. Do not siege the tiny land of your brother. They have Torah, you have wealth. Kudus to Muammar Kadafi!

Ha Shem, g-d, Allah are One. He loves us all and wants us to love each other and to live in peace and to stop desecrating his creation before it is too late.

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